Yes, it's not a mistake....Allison Wesley has entered into the wonderful world of blogging. I can hardly believe it myself! I have really become addicted to reading the blogs of friends and family. I love getting to watch their children grow before my very eyes. And since Jared and I have our own little miracle on the way, I decided to follow in the footsteps of several friends and start documenting our little angel's arrival.
So here's Our Story...
Jared and I have been wanting a baby for about 3 years now...and in God's time (not our own) we were finally thrilled to pieces when we found out we were expecting. I can't describe the feeling the first time I got to see our sweet pea on the monitor. It was love times 10,000,000! I was considered a high risk pregnancy so we were fortunate enough to get to see our little miracle every week for 6 weeks via ultrasound. I can't tell you how amazing it was to see how much baby had grown in just a few days. I completely melted to pieces every time I got to see our sweet miracle. I know I keep referring to him/her as a miracle...but that is EXACTLY what this baby is to us! We are truly blessed!
How far along: 15 weeks
Weight Gain: 5 pounds according to the scales say more.
Let's go with the doc on this one;)
Maternity Clothes: Some... the belly band drives me CRAZY!!
Stretch Marks: No
Sleep: God must be preparing me because I am up every 2 hours right now.
Baby Movement: Not yet...but can't wait!
Food Cravings: None
Food Aversions: None
What I miss: Nothing
Looking forward to: December 14, when we will find out if Baby W is a boy or girl!!!! (For the record, Jared says girl...I say boy. We just want a healthy baby, but it's fun to guess!!)
Milestones: This week Baby Wesley measures 4 1/2 inches and weighs 2-3 ounces.
He/she is about the size of a naval orange. Baby now has the coordination, strength, and smarts to wiggle his or her fingers and toes and even suck a thumb. He/she can also breathe, suck, and swallow. Although I am still not feeling my sweet baby yet... he/she is kicking, flexing, and moving his/her arms and legs like crazy!