How many weeks: 20 weeks
Weight Gain: 12 lbs. (Yes...the Christmas food was delicious!)
Maternity Clothes: Yes
Sleep: Still wake up every 2 hours. The maternity pillow my wonderful sister-in-law let me borrow
is helping me get A LOT more comfortable though.
Food Cravings: Anything tastes good these days:)
Baby Movement: Yes...mostly after meal time.
Stretch Marks: Not yet. Still lathering in lotion every chance I get.
Looking Forward To: Deciding on a name. We are very close. :)
Milestones: At 20 weeks baby girl is the size of a small cantaloupe.
She is practicing swallowing every day, and has a good amount of meconium stored up in her bowels. Meconium is a black gooey substance that will make up baby’s first bowel movement when she’s born.
Her immunities are beginning to develop. Her senses are developing, and she can begin to taste, smell, hear, see, and touch. Nerve cells are continuing to make new connections every day in preparation for her big day. She's beginning to learn familiar voices.